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Please either make Pokemon cards a separate site or add a filter not to see them when searching for games. Really clutters up searches.

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by sales 2 months ago 7

Please either make Pokemon cards a separate site or add a filter not to see them when searching for games. Really clutters up searches.

sales 4 years ago

This is live in production.  You can choose to filter any search result by category "All", "Video Games", "Trading Cards" and see only the products you want to see.  This change will be stored and remembered for future searches too (if you are logged in) so you only need to set it once.


Add support for DVD Games

Hugo Berthiaume 4 years ago 0

Please add support for DVD Games. Not PC games or CD-i games, the sort of game you play on a DVD player. I provided an exemple.


Save lot value calculator lists using id's (like the automater does now)

!natedog 4 years ago updated 1 year ago 3

I use the lot value calculator daily for buying/selling/trading. It would be super useful to have each list be saved with it's own id in the url, just like the automator does.

Right now, I have to print/screenshot a list before composing a new one which is not ideal.


Degree of rarity on PriceCharting

Dado 4 years ago 0

I think everyone on the forum would like to have an icons next to the games with a degree of rarity (VC, C, R, VR, ER)



Add Mark III Console and Games

sales 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 11

Option to not get emails about Wishlist game listings not-including disc/cart

donatj 4 years ago updated by sales 4 years ago 1

I sometimes get emails about items being listed below market value that are *only* the box / manual. I'm not interested in these items.


Add a "word" filter for the eBay Video Game Sniper

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by Ember_Reaper 4 years ago 2

Hey! I wanted to ask you if you could add the possibility of sniping only products with a specific word on the tittle (i.e. "Pokémon").


When clicking "Sell Yours", use the info and pictures I already added to the item in Collection.

roland howell 5 years ago 0

I added 300+ games to my Collection, along with several hundred photos showing boxes, manuals, discs, etc. If I click a game in my Collection, then click Sell Yours, none of that info comes over, and I have to re-enter everything and search through tons of photos to find the right ones again. 

Maybe have a Sell This Item button in Collection that lets you quickly list an item without re-entering info and photos.


Allow Japanese games to have original titles listed in details

ninjapresident 5 years ago 0

When looking for good deals on Japanese titles, I often search on websites like or for the best prices. However, to find listings for these games, I cannot search for their English or romanized titles and need to use the original Japanese name (written in hirigana, katakana, or kanji) to find the game. It would be great to have a field in the details section of a Japanese game's page that allowed you to enter the game's title in its original language; games would be more easily searchable, and it would save people a lot of time when trying to find price info.


Please add different categories for Europe and Australia

XxXepic_slayerXxX 5 years ago 0

I do not think that European and Australian games should be grouped together even if they are both PAL. Like on the Nintendo 64 there are physical differences for egsample in Europe there is a black border around the front artwork, but in Australia there is a red stripe on the left of the front artwork. Some games also cost much more in Australia and it messes with the price a lot.