
Add a category Consoles

dhijlkema 4 years ago updated 3 years ago 2

Nowadays we see more Consoles and their variations being added in the lists, but they are all marked as 'Videogames' in the category list. I hope its possible to add a new category 'Consoles' so we can look them up more separately. There are still a lot of variants of Consoles missing, but they are being sold on ebay/amazon/etc. I often wander what they are actually worth and hope we can see that here in the near future.

I was just thinking of this. I’d go one further to suggest that category as ‘hardware’ so that consoles and licensed peripherals are all together. Looking for a console or other hardware mixed in with the video games themselves is very much a pain! 

I would want to take this further. "Hardware", "Software", and "Accessory"