Your comments

Users didn't filter or sort by the genre's very often so we removed the genre column when we added the "cib price" column. Unfortunately there wasn't enough horizontal space to fit it all in.

So it would be a like a collection tracker and you can see which games you own and which you don't own yet?

Thanks for this suggestion. We have a way for admin to do that, but I'll look into making that available for users to do themselves instead.

PC Games were 0.4% of our pageviews but 30% of our products and a high percentage of server resources checking all the sales for all those products. I am sorry that we had to remove a feature that some people used.

Thanks. I've added this controller to the website now.

Thanks for your input. Here is an article explaining why we decided to remove PC games.

Summary: They cost us the most of all the consoles to gather price data on (in terms of dollars and server resources). PC was one of the least popular consoles on the site. We decided to use those resources to improve the experience for users on the rest of the site instead.

We posted our plans, removed them from the site, and waited for feedback from users before taking any action to actually stop collecting this data. Only a handful of people asked us to keep it. We decided it was still best to remove PC games.

Thanks for the feature request. I'll look into this. In the meantime you can email the address change to and we will take care of that for you.

I think this is a good idea. Stripe doesn't make their signup very straight forward unfortunately. We are also looking to add Paypal as a payment method in the future. Should make it easier for many users who already have Paypal accounts.

Thanks for this suggestion. Glad highcharts offers it too. I'll wait and see how popular this request is before implementing it.