Your comments

Thanks for this feedback. Please email us at so we can discuss this a bit more and learn how you adjust your prices so we can make this easier for you.

You would contact us via email and let us know your account details. We can then delete your account.

This is live. You can search by a UPC and it will automatically take you to the listing details page to finishing selling that game. Thank you for letting us know about this bug.

All sellers agree to offer a 14 day return policy. So the policy is the same for all items. We are just testing how we display that info to buyers. So some users will see that in red letters and others will not. Then we compare the results to make sure we are conveying the best message to buyers.

Good suggestion. We have that on our list of features to add in the next week or two. I'll post again when it is live.

Great suggestion. Sorry we missed that in the initial implementation. We will work on adding this ASAP.

I've added a link to the home page that says "free video game marketplace" in big font. Hopefully this helps peope find it. Thank you for letting me know.

I don't know the motivation of all sellers. Looking at current feedback is probably the best way to tell. Someone with lots of feedback already should be fine. A new seller might be more suspect. But they could be trying to increase their feedback too.

A game disc can be shipped for $0.93 with the USPS if the mailer is smaller than 6" tall. Something like this:

What about a search specific to your items for sale? Would that work?

You would type in "super mario" and see all the games matching. That should be faster than sorting alphabetically and scrolling through results.

Anyone can see the newest listed games and snipe good values.

We don't have our marketplace listings implemented with our Sniper tool.