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Support Quantity Option for Collections

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by sales 4 years ago 1

Instead of adding multiple of the same game/card in my collection add a quantity field so I can include multiple copies that way.  Then calculate the total value based on the quantity.

sales 4 years ago

This is live on the site now.


browser extension overlay, for ebay, that has the value in real time

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by sales 4 years ago 1

Image 56


Add entry date of game in collection

Anonymous 4 years ago 0

Add Pokemon Trading Card Price Guide

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by sales 4 years ago 8

A price guide for Pokemon cards from the base set to current sets.

sales 4 years ago

This feature is live on the site with all sets and cards:


Add more options such as Price Paid to Default options

Keith Mervine 4 years ago 0

Add more options such as Price Paid to Default options.  Adding all the options that are not there now would be helpful as well. (Condition, Price Paid)


Filter Remaining for Complete Set - How many Loose Carts Remain for example

User Name 4 years ago 0

I collect NES and I own some boxes without carts, carts without boxes etc.  I only see a total # of NES items I have, which really doesn't paint the real picture, nor does sit allow me to quickly see if I have that cartridge when I find it out in the wild.  It would be much easier to see a list of carts I do not own.


Add ability to track digital format games

weezer* 4 years ago updated by Mike Arthurs 3 years ago 1

In addition to physical games, I’d love for pricecharting to be a true representation of my complete video game collection, by including digital format games. 

I’m not terribly interested in their value, so much as I’m interested in seeing the two collections in one succinct place. 


Add Column Sums to Bottom of Full Game Lists to See a Complete Collection Values

Dennis 4 years ago updated by JesseJames 4 years ago 3

It's be nice to see how much it currently costs to acquire a complete game collection. For example, how much does it cost to own the full SNES library loose, complete in box, and new in box?


Make it possible to reorder/regroup items on the fly that have already been added to a current Lot Value Calculator list.

JesseJames 4 years ago 0

Perhaps I'm naive or missing something with regard to this subject, but nearly every time I start calculating the value of a new lot using the Lot Value Calculator I end up wanting to  reorder my list after a short time. This could be prompted when I notice, hypothetically speaking, that I missed one N64 title that should have been added alongside the other N64 items 30 entries back.

This leads to me feeling slightly frustrated that I cant somehow group entries by console, region, value, etc. after they've been initially added. 

It also feels inefficient if I decide to start removing items just to re-add them in desired groups, and yet if i decide not to then I potentially end up looking disorganized to the buyer\seller when presenting or referencing a printed copy of the lot list.