
Ability to move items in your collection

Anonymous 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

Default page sorts items by date entered which is fine.

But, it would be nice to add up/down arrows next to each item so we can move them. 

Reason for that is for example I found out I had the wrong version of a game listed, so now that I entered the correct version, it shows as my most recent added item, which it is obviously not...

I don't think this happens enough to make it a feature for everyone, but I can definitely change this particular item.  Please give me a link to the exact item (will have /offer/ in the url).  And let me know the correct "Date Added" and I'll revise this for you.

I'll leave this request open because maybe it is much more common than I expect.

Thank you for the offer, but there are actually a couple of occurences in my personal collection and I'm sure I'm not the only one!

Let's wait and see what other users think.