
Separate collections

Michael Jarvis 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 3

Would like to have a separate list games for every console I collect for.



You can already filter your collection down to the exact console.  

In your collection page.

Click on the "Filter/Sort" box.

Filter by "Category' to "video games"

Filter by "Console/Set" to whichever set you want to see.

The page will update to show only items for that console and the total value of the items you own in that console will be shown at the top of the page.

Here is an example page with only Gamecube games in my admin collection.



You can already filter your collection down to the exact console.  

In your collection page.

Click on the "Filter/Sort" box.

Filter by "Category' to "video games"

Filter by "Console/Set" to whichever set you want to see.

The page will update to show only items for that console and the total value of the items you own in that console will be shown at the top of the page.

Here is an example page with only Gamecube games in my admin collection.


this would help if I only had one list for each machine but so much better it could save a list. Found another post similar something like lot value calculator in the title. Think it was a similar situation anyway