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Create TCGPlayer import tool for Magic and Pokemon Cards

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 1

Allow me to import a CSV from TCGPlayer with the Magic and Pokemon cards I already own and track there.


Find game lots with games not in your collection

Anonymous 4 years ago 0

separate genesis by model's and also dont allow mini systems and newer models to affect price of original.

energester 4 years ago 0

right now it shows all kinds of crap mini systems and model 2 and 3 mixed in with model 1. Same with snes and nes. Also its showing less expensive variants like the sega gt/jsrf combo mixed with the good jsrf. Then also regular xbox version or peter jacksons king kong driving down the price of the 360 version. 


Add alternatives to paypal for receiving payments.

ellenleniz 4 years ago 0

Paypal is an incredible hassle to use, to the point where even ebay has dropped them from their services. So it'd be appreciated if there was alternative options, one that comes to mind immediately would be Venmo.


"Sell yours" Button in Collection

Anonymous 4 years ago 0

A button available under your collection that allows you to export an item in your collection (with all photos, relevant data, etc) to a new identical entry on your selling page.


Back button on the iPhone app

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by watgreatgaming 4 years ago 1

More information/feedback for current listings

Anonymous 4 years ago 0

Is there a way that we can add information to current listings such as a view counter, and maybe an option for prospective buyers to leave feedback such as if they feel the price is too high, or the listing needs more pictures? Some of my listings aren't selling and I have no idea if I'm pricing them too high or if they just aren't getting enough visibility/the games aren't as highly sought after as the prices would suggest.