Collection page: Add the "include" filter options to "exclude" filter as well
Right now if I want to see only loose boxes or manuals, or list only games without boxes or manuals there is no way to do this. Adding game/box/manual/etc to the exclude filter would be much more useful than the condition specific options currently on the exclude filter.
Provide a List of all non-ad material (maps etc)originally included with each game if any
“Complete in Box” is often far more than the game, box and manual but there is no way to know for every game what really constitutes “CIB” . Many RPG games for example include maps and charts and posters . PCharting could DRAMATICALLY increase sales on its site if it only allowed listings to claim to be CIB if they included ALL of these items. CIB buyers would flock to a site where CIB was really CIB . I am not suggesting that PCharting needs to track every alleged CIB sale on eBay to see if it includes all of these things (although that would be a HUGE help) BUT it would help all buyers to know what CIB really is.
UPC Code Reader
I think it would be very ideal if you had a application for your Gaming website or even online that say someone could log onto and a quicker and easier way to punch in the upc code for all the games that they have available we can Simply flip over and scan the back of the barcode. I also think that it would be very helpful if you were to remove the game Pictures down this way people can take Individual PICTURES of the items in which case they say they have this way we truly can see how messed up or well taken care of there Video Games Are cause people lie... I also think it would be great if you could separate into a column The type of Video Game we have with maybe the price of the games current value this way if i want to print out the titles and game Pictures of everything with the price I can and I can post it on say Craigslist or OfferUp for when I'm selling my games or if you can even have ii save the game TITLES UPC CODES NAMES IF THEY HAVE THE CASE AND GAME MANUAL INCLUDED LIKE A EXCELL DOCUMENT PDF THIS WAY SAY FOR EXAMPLE WITH A UPC CODE READER I CAN SCAN IT INTO MY INVENTORY AND IF I SHOULD SELL IT IT I CAN CLICK ON A TAB TO EARSE ALL THAT I SCAN As Sold they will earse this wonderful opportunity would be great and very cool I think don't you...
Embed your seller page in your website.
It would be nice if we could embed our list of games for sell on our own websites.
This is live. You can now embed your listings (and any other listings) anywhere you want. Here's the info for how to do it:
You can customize what items are shown and customize the appearance too.
Please give it a try and give us any feedback on the tool.
Select a system listing by Region.
Add a filter for NTSC games only, PAL games only, etc, allowing only that specific region to show.
This is live in production now. You can filter results by console.
If you are logged in, your preference will be remembered between searches too.
5 Screw NES
In the NES game list, do 5 screw games need their own line? It feels most games are doubled. Maybe instead add it as an option like manual or box?
Export or save Lot Value Lists
Be able to save or send a Lot Value List so you can share with others or stores
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