Request and vote on features on and the Marketplace.

Xavix Port

Anonymous 5 years ago updated 1 year ago 4

Add Xavix Port console and games price tracking please :) 


Add first generation consoles as a category.

Anonymous 5 years ago 0

Have one umbrella category for most of the gen one consoles, such as the coleco Telstar, Atari Pong, Magnavox consoles, Wonder wizard, and tons of other plug and play type consoles.


Add Mercari as a buying website

Anonymous 5 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 2

It's relatively trustworthy and I got games through Mercari for a price

sales 3 years ago

Add Coleco Telstar Systems

Anonymous 5 years ago 0

Would it be possible to add the Colco Telstar systems as a tab Under other 


See your individual console values without filtering

Anonymous 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

In the "My collection" header along with overall value show the values of each individual console. I like to see where my money is and when I was to see how much of my overall value is in, lets say PS2 i have to filter to it. I would LOVE to see it just displayed underneath the full collection value. 


Add disc resurfacing residue (and sticker residue) to item conditions

Anonymous 5 years ago 0

I have multiple discs received from GameStop that have residue from the disc resurfacing at the center of the discs (near impossible to get out without breaking the disc), especially with Gamecube discs. This drives down the value yet there is no option to select this under item condition. 


Add Game Trading Option similar to Marketplace

klwolf2000 5 years ago updated by Cameron Bates 2 years ago 1

I think it would be cool if there was a similar option to market place but for trading games. It would be nice to be able to set titles in my collection as trad-able and be matched up with people that have games in my wanted list. 


Mass delete for collection

Anonymous 5 years ago 0

I accidentally added a bunch of games to my collection, and every time I delete one I get a new window open. It would be very useful if it was implemented. Thank you!


Delete account option

David LaMattina 5 years ago updated 3 days ago 5

How do we close are account is there a option to close my account and take it down from pricecharting. 


Make it possible to gather items together and add one price for the whole purchase,for when we buy multiple things in one deal.

Fayez Fawzi 5 years ago updated by Amy D 3 years ago 1

I do such deals frequently,and some cant really be easily divided per item (a purchase of a system with games and accessories for x price for example),so putting the price for the whole haul makes far more sense :).

as for how to do that, you could have the "cost" column be widened a bit and, next to the amount paid figure, add a clickable "+ X more Items" that leads you to a page with all the items bought for that price.

so if i bought, for example, a system and 4 games and 2 extra controllers from someone for 50$, the price you see on any of them will be 50$ and right next to it would be "+ 6 more items" that you can click to see everything that you bought for this 50$.