Your comments

Unfortunately this isn't a feature at this point.  That has been reported by some other users as a feature request they would like, but the graphs only support US $ at this point.  Sorry.

What are these Limited Run games trading cards?  Do they make one with each game they sell?  Or do they sell those trading cards separately?  Sorry I don't know anything about the trading cards from Limited Run.

I've added all of the POP Series booster packs now.  They will show up on the site in less than 24 hours.

You can view other collections but only if someone shares that collection somewhere else.  Or you know that person somewhere else.  So we don't have the social component in terms of finding fellow collectors and connecting with them, but if you connect somewhere else you can view their collections.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on how a "connect with others" feature would look.  What features would it have?  How would you connect?  etc?

Thanks for clarifying.  I hope to add that in the near future.

Thanks for that input.  Right now all PAL countries are grouped together, but I'll keep this in mind for a future addition to the site.  It would be a pretty involved process to keep track of the values for each country, but it would be easier to display the ebay country of sale.

Thanks for the suggestion.  Are you from Europe and the country matters for the value?

It should be possible to add other trading cards too.  YuGiOh would probably be the next one because it appears to be the next most popular after Magic and Pokemon.  I'll wait to see how popular this request is before working on it.

Can you give me the url of the page you are trying to filter?  "Include Only" should be available on every game page on the marketplace.