Your comments

We have lots of steelbooks on the site.  We only track them if they came with the game inside though.

If you see a specific one that is missing please let me know and I'll add it.

I've made the change needed to do this in the backend.  It won't be live on the site for a couple weeks though as we roll this out to all the games.

Ah.  You cannot do that yet.  Thanks for explaining.

Most of these filters are already options in your collection view.  In the "Filter/Sort" box on your collection page you can filter by console and then filter by "includes".  So you could see listings that are "Item and Box" only or "Box only" or "Sealed" for example.

Here is a screenshot showing it.  Please let me know if this is not what you had in mind.

Something like what you describe is already possible in collections.  Here is a link to the admin page showing all the NES games and count and the value.

To get to that page I filtered my collection with the "Sort/Filter" box.

I selected "Video Games" for "Category"

Then "NES" for "Console"

You can opt-in or out of dark theme now instead of using your device defaults you opt-in or out.

After you make the choice the option sticks with your device until you change it again.

Thanks for that feedback.  I'll work on a way to turn it on and off and I'll probably turn it off by default and let people opt-in instead.  Then the preference would be stored in cookie on that device.

Cool idea.  I'll wait and see how popular this feature is before working on it.  I'd probably do something that allowed you to make a separate collection of stuff you want to sell.  Then you can filter and include stuff in that collection or just add items manually without a filter.