Air Balloon Pokemon Sw/Sh set wrong price
Air Balloon #156 from Pokemon sword/shield shows the price for its secret rare variant, not the regular one
Thank you. I've fixed this now and added the secret rare card.
Add POP series pokemon packs
I have a few POP series pokemon packs I would like to list alongside the rest of my collection - Please add support for these in the booster pack search, I would greatly appreciate it
I've added all of the POP Series booster packs now. They will show up on the site in less than 24 hours.
Update ebay id item number to allow 12 digits
Right now the editor to add an ebay item number only allows for 11 digits. However, the reality is that ebay now allows for 12 digit item numbers. The site should be updated to allow for items to have 12 digits to accurately reflect reality.
You can use the username in a url like this to fine their reputation.
I hope that helps.
Adjust shipping costs to your location.
I live in Australia, and selling games is something I'd like to do but setting the shipping at only $5 extra is a bit difficult when sending to the US. I might not get the price for the game I'm trying to sell.
"questionable-sales" filter by console
When I go to the questionable-sales page - it will show me games from many different consoles however I'm mostly familiar with a couple of consoles. It would be great to be able to filter to those consoles like in the search bar for adding sales and lot calculation. Thanks!
Show a list of game Manuals with prices and percentage of change.Like the games already are.
As described in header
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