Hide certain keywords
Hi, i think having a way to hide keywords would be great
for example:
- Not for resale
- limited / Special [not edition as many games are just that
- REGION [any region should be hideable in search]
As a collector I love seeing what I'm missing or just the most valuable games, but most tend to be special variants. Also sometimes when you search for a specific game you'll get all regions appearing, so if you wanna check out your owned games of say Zelda, you will see every region appearing along side your own.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for the suggestion. You can't filter by keyword now, but you can filter out variants (not for resale and limited editions) and you can filter out region too.
You choose those options in the search filters box on every search result page. You can filter to any particular region and remove variants from all results. This choice sticks with you on future searches too so you will never see those items again.
Here is an example with no filter:
Here it is with the filtering to only NTSC without variants.