Need a way to remove a system and its games from the collection in one action without deleting every single game individually
I sold a system and it has over 200 games with it that I need to remove
Mobile Augmented Reality Price App that uses Camera for Words/Picture recognition of Games
I'm not sure how complex this would be but it would be amazing and super helpful when out at garage sales and flea markets. Imagine someone has a box of games for sale and you can open up the app and hover your camera over the titles either by the top of the cartridges for name recognition (For bulk identification and values) or by the front of the games case for picture recognition (show price and possibly verify game isn't a repo). The app could then show you in real time the game/games value and have a link to click on that opens up price charting to verify the matching is correct. Users could also see relatively quickly if the carts picture matches or if it's a repo. It would operate similar to google translate but not as complex as recognizing words/grammar and trying to convert into another language. I believe anyone that can bring something like this to the market a lot of people would pay for it because I know I would.
Add a check box for games that also have a longbox, like 3DO games.
Games for certain systems (like the 3DO) have a jewel case with art and instructions inside, but they also came in a long box. I might have a 3DO game with a jewel case, artwork, and manual, but this wouldn't be "CIB". I also wouldn't consider this "game and manual only", but something in between.
You can download sales volume data now in the price guide download files. And access it via API too.
Add ability to report incorrectly mapped items
Currently there is not a clear way to report items that are missing data. Some items such as the gray GameCube Wavebird are mapped to old invalid eBay product IDs. Because of that, the last data available is from 2016. It is possible to report individual previous listings, but since it is the eBay product ID that is incorrect, there is no way to flag it for review.
Ideally there would be an option to report items that are mapped to old or invalid product IDs and suggest an updated one that could be reviewed by a moderator or voted on by the community.
Including Demo Disks and Japanese Consoles
Now I realized none of the demo disks for the original XBox, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, etc. don’t have any listings and there are so many that it’s a disservice if we don’t include them! Also while it may take a while to price games overseas we can do the Japanese console market to start as it would be easier to track the different consoles they ever released than to start with the games for Japan.
Strict alphabetization of games so the acronym titles don't show up at the front of the letter.
Strict alphabetization of games so the acronym titles don't show up at the top of the letter list. (For instance: FIFA being at the top of the list instead of down with Fight Club etc.)
This change is updated in code. It will go live with the next server update, usually within about 24 hours.
Good suggestion and one that is very easy to change for list of games by console. For example:
Customer support service by UserEcho