console color choice
on consoles of different colors than listed in database add an other color line in the ads
Add import from web on images for product listings
I host my images for my products on the web. It would be beneficial if we could upload our images for our products from a website.
Shopping Cart
Can a shopping cart feature be added so Items can be paid for 'all at once', instead of multiple transactions?
Braintree Payments
A Paypal company with first $50,000 fee free, It utilizes all forms of payment.
Implement a volume filter in eBay game sniper
Implement a volume filter in eBay game sniper so you only see deals for games that sell often or semi-often.
Search the Marketplace by Console
The site has been updated in the last week or so, and since the update I am no longer able to sort search results by console (in a general search, NOT marketplace). Please bring this back, as it gets quite difficult with games that are popular on multiple consoles.
member of the month
every month/week/ etc., introduce a member of the month. Or multiple users each month if their listings can be cross referenced to other members similar interests. This would help buyers and sellers find one another by sending out newsletters.
Allow sellers to put limits on buyers they will deal with
return policy/seller protection
There is a feedback system in place so buyers and sellers will leave feedback for each other. Users should transact with people with higher feedback ratings if they want more assurance the transaction will go smoothly.
There will be no seller or buyer protection offered by us. The marketplace is free so we cannot afford to offer any guarantees.
Customer support service by UserEcho