Added Windows and Dos to the platforms list
i should be able to track PC games, i think Dos and Windows game should separate categories, but even if there not separate, category for PC games is needed.
We had these games in the past but they were not popular and cost a lot to track because there are so many games.
You can read the full reasoning for why you removed PC games from the site at this blog post:
Add NES Deluxe set to the NES listings (the one with two games and ROB the Robot)?
Add NES Deluxe set to the NES listings (the one with two games and ROB the Robot)?
ebay snipe tool add option to filter all the ebay countries marketplaces
Instead of just all the different countries US, CA, GB What ever ones you allow us to use let us choose the filter option of which. 50% off game ain't worth nothing with international shipping.
You can filter specific consoles out of your results. For example, remove PAL NES and PAL SNES from your notifications.
You click the 'all consoles' link and then click the consoles you want to remove.
If you only want PAL games you would leave only those two consoles selected.
toy add
Could you add an option when adding a toy(Disney Infinity or Skylanders) to add a TOY option where you have Game, Manuel etc? Cause the figures are not games but its the only way for me to add them.
Separate collectors editions from the regular games
Is it possible to make a feature where you can separate the collector's edition with the regular edition games?
i wants tout be paids and i wants to pay with crédit card or other things than PayPal.
i thinks PayPal stops the business sur Price charting i thinks that we must pay by echeck or moneybank transfer or interact can be must safe than PayPal.they suck with the money of our clients.and the market of gaming is average 18- 35 Old.the best is to pay with prepaid Visa or MasterCard.like that we can adds our banking number without fee.and opening a special account for Price charting.we must adds a exchange market of games to powering the systems and adds a point system of rewards to gives many games and the invest of 100$ in à jackpot for 10% of the making cash .exemple you sell à lot at 1000$ and sell it .100$ goes immidiately to the devellopment and salaries of Price charting .à agency private will place the money in your account at pricecharting and we will close PayPal for a bail.the bank of thé website will pay the Price listing with à Big sponsor like Ubisoft or Sega and Nintendo too..the loosing price is paids by pricecharting automaticly and the games are in sale at regular prices ans newest prices is paids after the system..pricecharting will takes 1-12 months tout buy or sell and they can have their Big prices on each loose.the buying of newest Price by a member gives money to all!!the cartridge is sold out and the annexe gives that pricecharting have their proper invest.we must pay and be paids by crédit card and i thinks that a credit card can be a good sponsor for opening a account and a demands of crédit at 1400$ minimum is offered to members.with pricecharting.if we have 2200 clients with a automatic accept of credit each weeks the gold era begins.mdg direct run with 24% loan of 1400$ that is paids 2 Times à month at 40$ bimonthly for 36 months.the balance is your sale at personnal account that je linked to bank.and the loan of 1400$ to start and having fun.if you buy a switch at 600$ cash.the other sales of switch will be 1000$ on crédit union.and a each cartridge at prices.
This is already possible. You click the 'in collection' button on any item. Then click the 'add another copy' button on the next page.
You can also click 'add another copy' link on any individual collection item detail page too.
Add Shopgoodwill.com lot bot?
It would be cool if there was a lot bot for the website shopgoodwill.com
Export to spreadsheet.
I've been meaning to create a spreadsheet to keep track of my collection, but I am not very skilled nor patient. Additionally, there are many variables here that I would not spend the time to look up myself, such as release dates and prices.
You can download all the game data we have to a CSV file, which can then be opened inside Excel.
Visit this page to choose the data you want to download:
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