
Region filtering option for viewing collections

Anonymous 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 2

In the current collections view, I can only browse, for example, my US GBA games and my JP GBA games separately. I would like a feature to view all of my games for a particular console, and then filter based on region. For example, choose GBA as the console and then have three checkboxes for either US, JP, and PAL.

This is a desperately needed feature, as consoles that are region free your collection can be from multiple regions.  Example being the Switch.  I have multiple EU and JP games, but I can never display my COMPLETE collection because you can only select one region.  So you end up with 3 Switch lists for you single Switch collection and have to constantly swap between filter lists to check what you have.

And obviously let you select one or multiple regions on the radio buttons, so you can display, say, Switch games from US/EU/JP together to show your full Switch library/collection.