
Add Column Sums to Bottom of Full Game Lists to See a Complete Collection Values

Dennis 3 years ago updated by JesseJames 3 years ago 3

It's be nice to see how much it currently costs to acquire a complete game collection. For example, how much does it cost to own the full SNES library loose, complete in box, and new in box? https://www.pricecharting.com/console/super-nintendo


just a friendly thought: although it's not necessarily an ideal method, couldn't you just search/pull up the full library of a given system, copy the necessary text, and paste to Lot Value Automator? 


Sure! There's multiple ways I could calculate it myself. I've already used the browser console and a line of javascript to calculate it off the pricecharting page for me, but it would be much easier for everyone if they didn't have to. It's trivial to add, useful to see, and it wouldn't hurt site usability sitting on the bottom of the page.

That is great to hear :)