
Save lot value calculator lists using id's (like the automater does now)

!natedog 4 years ago updated 1 year ago 3

I use the lot value calculator daily for buying/selling/trading. It would be super useful to have each list be saved with it's own id in the url, just like the automator does.

Right now, I have to print/screenshot a list before composing a new one which is not ideal.

Thanks for the input.  Does the 30 day limit on storage work for you like it does for the automater?

The backend for both of these is very different so I'm not sure about when/if we can implement this but I'll look into it after hearing back from you.

I'd also like this. I "watch" many multi-item auctions. I price them all out before I watch but most auction sites don't have a spot for notes. I am CONSTANTLY reworking the lot value calculator in the last hours of the listing to rework my prices and play with variants. If there would be a way to save these and/or reference them later (usually only 7 days is needed) it would save me hours. 

I'd like to bump this feature request and suggest a few more use cases. I'm sometimes working on lot buys with multiple people at a time, at multiple different % of market value. Having any way to save multiple lists at once would be of huge help to me. Either with unique link IDs or possibly something like saving lists to a folder in the collection section.