
Bug: Show systems only in collection

Anonymous 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

With the addition of the sports cards "systems", it is now an annoyance to have to scroll down past all of the 20th century sports cards categories (like 1972 Topps, 1994 Fleer, etc), this takes up about half of the list of systems when I'm scrolling through the systems in my collection, even though I don't have anything for that system in the collection.

Please filter the collection's systems list to systems only in collection.


Can you give me a screenshot of where you are seeing this?  I'm trying to find a page with this and I can't see one that has this.  Sorry for the problem, I will fix ASAP.


It looks like the 199x Fleer / Topps "systems" are gone now, however the issue still stands, but should probably be a feature/improvement.

I saw them in this section, where you click on "Collection" and will bring you to the collection page. Note that with this pictured list, in my collection I have 3DO, and Atari 2600 games in the collection, but I do not have games in the other systems, so it shouldn't list those systems.

Maybe userCollection.SelectUnique("system"), and there's the issue of having the "all systems" box there as well.


Thank you so much for this screenshot.  Glad the sports card issue is gone.  I'll look into fixing the dropdown list to only include consoles include in your collection already.  


Hi! Just thought of an implementation idea, the ability to select what consoles to display from among the collection. great in aggregating data to only a couple of consoles.

Example. I want to find out the most expensive items that are among my SNES and N64 collection (I want to put them in box protectors). I have a series of checkboxes on the side (or however you want to implement, dropdown box with multi-select works too), I select 'Nintendo 64' and 'Super Nintendo', sort by Price (Highest First), and refresh.

In the future this can apply to saved reports.