
Show the game value in the wishlist

Dabra_dmp 5 years ago updated by sales 4 months ago 16

I would like to be able to see the price of a game in my wishlist. Like this I can check at only this page when I'm in a convention to see if the price is good.



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Image 268


To clarify, you want to know the value of the game while on the wishlist page?


Yes exactly, for now I have to jump from my wishlist to each game one by one to see the current average market value of a game. If I had this price on the wishlist directly it would be why easy when I deal price at convention. BTW sorry about the typo in the title I noticed only after I posted it and had no way to correct it.


Thanks for the reply.  I've edited the title.  Your reasoning makes sense.


As it stands I made a secondary account with a wishlist as a collection just to see prices more quickly. This would be a great feature.


This would be super helpful/a time saver


Please! This would be great!


Apparently not since this was asked 3 years ago and still nothing.... 


PLEASE give us this feature. The fact that it's been sitting dead for about 3 years is quite honestly super disappointing. 


This is great


Please add this!

guess i'll just make a second acc for wishlist then :P

Yeah this was posted 4 years ago... It will never happen 


If we could select the condition desired on a game by game basis, that would be perfect, as just a total  of all the wishlist games cib or loose would be inaccurate. For example Earthbound CIB would shoot the total way up, but i would want to have a majority of the games cib. Being able to pick a condition to display the price would be amazing. It would also be helpful to just show the price of the selected condition as opposed to having to go through another screen to check the one price i am looking for.


I would also like to see the image of the game in the wish list. It would help at conventions. 


This is live.

Image 268