
Make it possible to gather items together and add one price for the whole purchase,for when we buy multiple things in one deal.

Fayez Fawzi 5 years ago updated by Amy D 3 years ago 1

I do such deals frequently,and some cant really be easily divided per item (a purchase of a system with games and accessories for x price for example),so putting the price for the whole haul makes far more sense :).

as for how to do that, you could have the "cost" column be widened a bit and, next to the amount paid figure, add a clickable "+ X more Items" that leads you to a page with all the items bought for that price.

so if i bought, for example, a system and 4 games and 2 extra controllers from someone for 50$, the price you see on any of them will be 50$ and right next to it would be "+ 6 more items" that you can click to see everything that you bought for this 50$.

I buy in lots, too, and can see where this would be a benefit, but offer a different idea that ties back to a larger impact solution.  Currently, I add most items at $0, list the lot price with all items in notes, then copy & paste the same note in each entry. When done, the lot price will be entered in the top priced (or only) game console, accessory, or game, based on what's in the lot. The problem I run into is running out of space in the notes before everything is listed. 

Two things could help this. Both would be nice, but either one would help:

1. More space in notes

2. The option to group or tag items creating smaller "collections" or a common tag that I can search or filter.