
Support International Shipping on Marketplace

sales 9 years ago updated 1 month ago 20
Support shipping to international users on the marketplace instead of just limiting it to users in USA.
Not sure if it's the same thing but I just got a big disapointment being unable to proceed to associate my bank account because my country isn't on the list. Not sure if it's a Stripe limitation, though. I wound't mind Paypal also, and there's added buyer and seller protection.

Both USA and Canada are supported now. It's not full international support yet, but it is a step closer.


thanks micheal


No updates at this time.  We are working on adding a more complete list of consoles from Europe so we have full price data for those consoles.  We then hope to work on adding support for international shipping.

Where do you live?

Saudi Arabia :)

Users in the UK can now buy and sell on the marketplace.


All listings where the buyer and seller are from the UK include free shipping. Transactions across borders will have the shipping cost automatically calculated.

This brings marketplace support to USA, Canada, and UK.

I can’t seem to sell even though I am from the Uk? Am I doing something wrong?

We had to remove UK support due to some regulatory changes.  UK required some extra reporting, extra customs, and paperwork for sellers.  We decided to remove that support.  Sorry.  


Australia please.


Collector here in France, will be definitely great to buy from you ;)

what about shipping to morocco ?




I don't undertsand why 'You must live in USA or Canada' in order to sell? IDK isn't there literally the rest of the world which is a lot bigger for this website? Where is this limitation any good for? I can;t find that anywhere


The problem is two fold.  Shipping costs are different between each country so adding each individual country to the marketplace causes exponentially more combinations of countries to ship between.  So the code to add each additional country gets more and more complex.

Second reason, and the biggest.  Each country has their own rules and laws about buying and selling and taxes.  Jumping through the hoops for each additional country is not always worth the time and investment.  And it makes it more complicated for sellers as well.

eould it be possible to add messaging between buyer and seller so we could figure out shipping costs between us. So sad when loads of good games are in the marketplace but shipping to Finland is a no-go. (I get your reasoning, but a workaround would be nice). 

You can always contact a seller directly (link is on each for sale item page for logged in users) and discuss a purchase and shipping to your country.

maybe its just me, but can seem to find the chat/messaging feature after Ive sent the dealer a message 🤷🏻‍♂️

After you send them a message, the seller responds via email.  You then discuss back and forth via email instead of a message on the site.  

I live in Australia and have a collection of US NTSC SNES games I'd like to list for sale on Price Charting. Is this possible?