
Add a Filter to Ebay Sniper for sellers who do not ship internationally.

Anonymous 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

I Love the Ebay sniper tool which alerts me of items at the end of their listing time, however, it is very annoying and upsetting to click each item, only to discover the seller does not ship to Canada. I would prefer these do not show up in my feed at all, as it defeats the purpose of having the notifications when I can just filter ebay searches to Canada Only and go about the process manually. Please consider incorporating a filter for this in the sniper app, and you may have an extra subscriber.


That definitely makes sense.  I'll make a note about this and see how popular it is with other users.  I think I know how we can implement it on the backend.

great thank you, i will continue to add recommendations from my experience using pricecharting tools. cheers!