Add a "Date Purchased" field for one's collection
Allow users to input the date they purchased a specific game when they add it to their collection.

really glad someone also thought this, helps understand inflation, and popularity fluctuations brought on by game remakes/ remastered games and sequels.

I recently received email with info on how much my collection value has changed since 1 year ago. It would be interesting to see how much the collections value has changed compared to money spent on them. If we just had the date added field in exported data, this would be pretty easy to calculate.

I hate how when I add a whole bunch of games that i've had for years, the price jumps on my graph. I would like to be able to input the date of when I got it.

Unfortunately we wouldn't be able to update the chart retroactively if you had purchased the item a long time ago. The values are based on what is in the collection at that point in time. Sorry.

I would love an additional field in a collection's game where you can manually alter the date you acquired the game. For example, if I just added Dr. Mario NES to my collection today, but purchased it on August 2, 2019, I would like to be able to input that date somewhere so that I can see the order in which I built my collection.
This would also warrant a "Date Acquired" sort option in the "Sort By" drop-down on the Collection page.

I love this suggestion. I think adding a box for purchase date could be simple, free-form, and optional like it is with the purchase price. It would also be nice to track whether it was purchased new or used. Either a checkbox or dropdown would work here. I think you spoil us with the ease of access to so much data and am very thankful, but this one doesn't need to feed into any charts if that creates problems. I would love to have a similar field for serial numbers. I currently put both of these into pictures and notes.
I can think of many ways this would benefit me and have listed a few below so others can build on the list or suggest other ways to navigate these hurdles.
1. I have 4 children, so I find I often have duplicate systems and games and this would help immensely in keeping my physical inventory straight.
2. I buy and sell games to support my personal gaming habits, so I would LOVE to filter by additional views for these grouped items to filter out my personal collection. I know grouping and/or custom views are a separate suggestion from this discussion topic, but I mention it because it simplifies data storage for users. I've seen others suggest creating add'l accounts, but that seems like a clunky work-around that potentially inflates other data you may be tracking as a business or developer.
3. It would be amazing to group items into 1 system. This would allow us to group & ungroup consoles with serialized accessories like controllers, kinnect, balance board, light guns, etc, to keep track of what goes together as well as to help us to track more accurate investment costs as we upgrade and/or replace accessories.

I have been maintaining my collection on an Excel spreadsheet for the last 10 years. I am very interested in moving my collection to the VGPC Collection feature, however this feature is the only glaring omission for me. If this feature was added, it would be a no brainer. With a date input field, would it not just override today's entry date, add the game into that point in time on the graph, and adjust the graph accordingly? From an above comment, what makes this feature not possible to implement? Having a visual representation of my collection's growth since I started would be a killer feature for so many people. Thank you for everything you do for this website, it has been an invaluable tool for me for so long. I hope you are able to find a way to implement this killer feature!

We would probably just let people keep track of when they purchased. I hadn't thought about adjust the historic prices based on that purchase date too. That would be technically feasible, but fairly complicated. I'd have to think about it more but I can definitely see how that would be valuable/useful to users.

yea just a field to let people keep track of when they purchased will be great - no need to figure out historic prices / value if its too complicated - value of what the product is today is enough

I would like this, but agree that this should be for all collections, not just games.

There should also be built in functionality if someone buys an item directly off of pricecharting then it should automatically be added to users collection and pre populate the price paid, date purchased etc.

This is live now. You can add a Date Purchased in the collection details page for any item in your collection. You can then sort your collection by the date purchased too.
Customer support service by UserEcho
This is live now. You can add a Date Purchased in the collection details page for any item in your collection. You can then sort your collection by the date purchased too.