Ace Grading
Now that Ace is becoming the largest recognised grading company in the UK, adding Ace grading along side psa and cgc for the grading company valuations on the prices. Would hugely help the UK users
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Definitely yes.
Definitely be good for UK users 👍
Could not agree more.. The labels are so much better
absolutely not, they’re scammers who will get your cards stolen
Oops, seems like we've found an anonymous PSA ULTRA! 🤦🏼♂️🤣
why yes they told people to break in and steal the cards
it was an inside job you fucking idiot! How else would they have got in without the alarm going off and into the vault where the cards were stored! But yeah ace are completely innocent, fucking scumming company
this would be amazing !
yes yes yes
yes please although no one beats PSA, being in the UK ace is so much more convenient and seem just as scrupulous if not more than psa grading
PSA are shite. Too many errors & population control is crazy bad over there. Beckett or Ace all day for me 👍🏼
Amazing company who have gone though a rough time recently but definitely deserve the best.
nope, labels look look my 4 year old made it on Microsoft word and that's only if it manages t o get to the grading process before getting stolen.
what a sad person you are, hope you find some happiness in your life. Try going on a walk or working out
I'm extremely happy! Thank you for your concern though. Fancy someone having a different opinion than your own and judging them for it because you don't agree. And go for a walk/work out is a little insensitive to say to a disabled person, but how was you to know I guess. Bye friend.
guy sounds like a fucking scumbag picking on a disabled person, person should look in a mirror before being a dick, fucking idiot
😂 Way to play the guilt trip card mate. Let's see your 4 years old work on Word then? Prove your point. I'll wait ...
maybe he should get his guilt trip card graded by PSA
ACE are utter garbage 🗑️
higher grading standard than most of the grading companies out there but yet we’re still here with people scared of change
looks like a 4 year old wrote this comment with the numerous mistakes 🙈
scum of a company, steal your cards and then pay out pennies for compensation, when it was an insider job, and you morons keep submitting your cards like lost sheep, fucking idiots the lot of you
shut up you bellend
truth hurts? 😂
My compensation was fine. People that weren't happy went back with a counter & that was then met. Seems like we have a PSA Ultra here, someone who is emotionally & financially invested in PSA & is worried about ANY competition 😆
imagine being done over my a company and going back for seconds 😂
imagine posting a stupid reply with no facts to back it up sorry to say you won’t be going through the the next round
definitely not they won't be a company for much longer
How so? They have a huge backlog from people giving them extra support at the moment. Keep dreaming though 😅
no facts to back up your point but thank you for playing
yup 100% needed this
Absolutely yes!
ill never be using this company again. Nicked the corner of my Moonbreon and after customer cards being stolen they clearly can’t be trusted
OR ... You clearly don't have the eye to check your cards over properly 🤣
im up for that! They are better than PSA and the best in the UK atm
better than PSA, take Randys dick out ya mouth 🤡
or maybe you should get it in “ya mouth 🤡🍆”
Thier slab artwork is unmatched !!!!
looks like it was drawn by a 2 year old
Yes for sure.
Sorry, forgive me, but I'm trying to remember when PSA or CGC were last broken into and a load of people's cards stolen? Because for Ace that's a few weeks ago.
What an excellent point well made!
think this says more about the country they are sat in than the company themselves, doesn’t matter the amount of security if they want to get in they will
Maybe if the company wasn’t a money grab by the owner who couldn’t put the correct security in place in the first place then I could support this but he’s just jumping on a bandwagon of when Pokémon had its COVID boom
some sad people on hear 😆
here* learn to spell, retard