
Record prices in the original currency

kristof vanclooster 2 months ago updated by sales 2 months ago 1

Currenlty it seems that the prices are recorded in USD. Hence when a sales happens in a different currency, pricecharting stores the value in USD using the exchange rate at that moment. When the exchange rate changes prices fluctuate due to being stored in USD, hence the indicated price does not agree with the real price paid on Ebay. With a strong dollar this implies that prices of foreign Ebay sales are artificially higher.



The cost has no currency attached to it.  So it is always in the currency you enter it in and does not change value when you change currency on the website.  We do that because the price you paid at some time in the past does not change with the currency exchange rates. 

You should always enter the cost in your preferred currency for viewing the site.


The cost has no currency attached to it.  So it is always in the currency you enter it in and does not change value when you change currency on the website.  We do that because the price you paid at some time in the past does not change with the currency exchange rates. 

You should always enter the cost in your preferred currency for viewing the site.