
Add names of folders in drop-down menu when adding to collection

fedkenjo 5 months ago updated by sales 5 months ago 1

Now the drop-down options are: 

add quickly

Add with details


i think it should have available folders within collection to choose from.

i still can't figure out a way to quickly put bulk items into a folder. 

its nice when trying to sell a lot of cards in a single listing, to just have the cards im grouping in one folder for price reference for customer. 

i put it in bugs cuz it's rather urgent lol 


Thanks for reaching out.  The best way to add these quickly is to add them with one-click.  Then go to your collection and change the folder for all the ones you just added to the folder you want.  

I know that isn't exactly what you were wanting but this should speed it up for you some until another option with bulk additions to a folder is available.