
Filter "new battery" cartridges as not new

Sam 3 weeks ago updated by sales 2 weeks ago 4

I often come across game cartridges listings with titles including the string "new battery". These listings are categorized as new when they logically can't be. Would it be possible to have listings including the string "new" be categorized as new, unless they contain the string "new battery"?


Same idea with controllers and "new joystick" / "new thumb pad"

Can you give me some examples of us adding these sales?  They should NOT be considered new, but we should have logic for that already.  If I can see an example, I can look into why it was incorrect.  Thank you

There's a few of the Pokémon Silver (https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy-color/pokemon-silver) "new" listings with titles containing either "New Batt" or "New Big Battery".

While we're at it, I believe "tested" and "saves" should also have disqualified these listings from being classified as new; this check should have precedence on the check for "new" (i.e. no matter if the title contains "new", if it contains "tested", it's not new).


I've added rules to handle "big battery' and prevent those from getting into sales data.  I'll think about ways to handle "tested" too.  That says it is not sealed, but it doesn't say if item is loose or CIB.  We don't have any way to handle logic for "not this" verse "it is this" condition.  I'll think about how to handle that.