
Adding multiple items to collection at once

Anonymous 10 months ago updated 10 months ago 4

It would be nice when you can select an entire set of pokemon cards at once to add to the collection, in stead of clicking 4 times for every card (and reverse holo).

Thanks for this suggestion.  

You should be able to add items with two clicks.  Click blue "+button" then click "with one click".  Can you explain where it is taking 4 clicks?  I definitely want to reduce that if possible.

Ok, it takes 2 clicks per item. So 400 cards in a pokemon set x 2 clicks is 800!! clicks, it could work if you can select all bij 1 click per card and add them with 1 click for al, so 800 clicks is reduced to 401 clicks.

Big difference. :)

Thanks for this feedback.  When adding lots of items any individual clicking method would be a lot of clicks and get tedious.  I've made some notes about methods to add in bulk from a set list.  Maybe 2 clicks to add all the cards (additional clicks if you need to exclude some items)

Hopefully that is implemented on the site in the near future.

thanks! Youre doing great work! 👌