
More Collection Filters, Batch Assign Items to Folder - I'm willing to pay for these features!

Gklezq 2 months ago updated 2 months ago 2

We NEED more customizable filters on our collection tracker PLEASE

Why is the Folder filter a DROPDOWN? It should be allow us to select multiple folders

When adding new cards/games to a folder from your collection tracker, you should be able to do it in batch with checkboxes rather than having to use the DROPDOWN EVERY SINGLE TIME. Or, allow us to change the Current Default Folder for the "In One Click" method of adding cards/games to your collection. OR, have an option to "Assign all un-foldered cards/games to a folder" feature. Having to go back to assign cards to folders after using the "In One Click" deal is a PITA

I'm willing to pay for these features, feel free to contact me

Thanks for this feedback.  I can see how a default folder would be useful.  

I am willing to pay for these features if you could push them to the top of the list