
Sort by price change in collection

TheAlpha643 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 4

Give the ability to see which card has increased/decreased the most from last recorded date/the date that card was added to collection in collections page



You can sort by price change in your collection but it is based on the recent price change in the value, not in the value since you added it to your collection.  There should be a "price change" option in the sort drop down on the page.


You can sort by price change in your collection but it is based on the recent price change in the value, not in the value since you added it to your collection.  There should be a "price change" option in the sort drop down on the page.

This should be fixed now.  Please confirm that you can see that drop down for price increase and price decrease.

Yes, it seems to be working fine now, Thank you