
Next & Previous Issue Button For Comic Book Series

rblattnz 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2

Add a "Next Issue" and "Previous Issue" button when viewing a comic book issue from a series. If you're looking for the info of a series, it would save you the hassle of having to copy and paste the comic book's title, # issue, and (year), then typing the next issue number, since that's the only way to reliably pull up the correct comic without a ton of extra results. Simple, huh? [Next issue] Click. "That was fast".

Thanks for this suggestion.

You can view lists of issues by the sorted by the release date and that will show all the issues in a series.


That is the best way to accomplish this at this time.  You can exclude variants too if you only want the mainline issues.

Yes, that is one way to do it. Another suggestion then is having the visible grades shown on that list customizable, i.e. not only "Ungraded" and the lowest grades. Then we could see from that list the highest (9 & 10) as well as Ungraded.