
Add support to export your game collection

Anonymous 7 years ago updated by sales 5 years ago 12

Add support to export your game collection



This is live and available to all users.  You can export your collection

We do plan to add an export collection tool.  We are waiting to see how popular the collection feature is and how popular this request is before we prioritize it.


Candid feedback: Having an export function would make the import function more popular. A tool that doesn't provide a way to get your data back is not best practice and it should be a reflex for any user not to put any data into it in the first place.

and +1 on the export request.

Thanks for this feedback.  I completely agree with you.  I'm more likely to use a tool if I can export the data.  We strongly believe that the data is the user's - we are just storing it for them.  I'm talking with a developer about adding this feature to the site in the near future.  The timeline for adding it will depend on the costs and other priorities, but we are looking into this more.

Support for xlsx and csv files would be great.


Thank you.  We plan on exporting to a CSV.  Then people can import it to a spreadsheet or Google Sheets or anywhere else they want.

GameValueNow has this feature, so I am using them now instead. This should have been implemented from the get go.


This is live and available to all users.  You can export your collection

I see there is a header for "Photos" in the exported CSV. Is it possible or will it be possible to export the collection with pictures?

The photos are not exported at this time.  Just the list of items and their values with any condition/included/description data you entered

What I really want is for their to be an API to manage my collection. Basically I'm looking to be able to:
- add items
- update items
- delete items
- list inventory (full or partial)

If I can't do this, I'll need to replicate the functionality of managing a collection outside of pricecharting, and just use pricecharting as a pricing api.

This should all be possible with our "Marketplace API".  We have different calls:

Publish new item (or edit existing one).  Be sure to use "is-collection" parameter.

Remove item

You can add lots of items using our import tool.  The API is meant for 1 item at a time type requests.

You need a subscription in order to make these API requests.  Cheapest costs about $4/month.

I hope that helps.  

If the collection tracker doesn't do what you need via API, then you can definitely use our pricing data only via API.