Add a faster way to add duplicates to collections
I would like a button or another mechanism to improve QOL for adding duplicates to my collection. Right now I have to right-click on the orange "in Collection" button, open in new tab, increase the quantity, or click the add another copy button at the top and then refresh and close the tab to go back to the main list. I do the new tab so as to not lose my place in the list as I'm cataloging a stack of duplicates in numerical order. Please inform me if there is a better more efficient workflow for this already that I am missing, I only started using this site about a week ago. Loving it so far!! Great work!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for this input. An "add another" option under "in collection" would probably work well. Sort of like the drop down we have for "+Collection".
I've made a note about this and hopefully we can add something like that in the future.
Thanks! Yeah, that would be great, like the way add with one click works. Would be nice if there could also be a way to quickly increase the quantity owned from the main list as well.