
I whould prepair if there was a choise of holo en reverse holo.

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by sales 2 years ago 2

There are to many non holo cards where the price looks too high because of the holo’s or stamped cards. I think it’s better to add an extra option that the cards that have a reverse holo and a holo/stamped card. Like uncommom or non holo cards, holo or Stamped cards & reverse holo cards. Then would be the price much better.

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Appreciate instate of prepair

If there are "Holo" and "Non Holo" versions or "Stamped" or "Prerelease" versions we want to do know about those.  Please send us an email with the card that is missing.  Something like "Snorlax [Stamped] #123" then we can work to add it to the site so the prices are kept separately for the different version.  It is very difficult for us to go through a series of images to find the versions that are missing.