
Add holo when a Pokemon card has a holo and a reverse holo.

Tim 2 years ago updated by sales 2 years ago 5

Add non holo or add holo option, when a Pokemon card has a holo and reverse holo. There are very much prices of cards where the price looks higher because non holo cards prices are taken by the sells of the holo's or special editions.



Thanks.  I've added [Stamped] variants for all of those you shared.  I moved some historic sales over to those too.

Under review

We will add "[Holo]" to the name if there is a non-holo version and a holo version.  We do not add "holo" to the names if the card only came out in a holo version.  For example, most GX or VMAX cards.

Please give me a link to the card or cards in question so I can look into this and fix it.


Thanks.  I've added [Stamped] variants for all of those you shared.  I moved some historic sales over to those too.

Thanks thats nice, now I know how to call it to haha, but there are loads of other cards with the same. Which makes the price seem a lot higher. 

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I've added [Stamped] versions for all of these now.