Macintosh Games/Software

Anonymous 2 years ago updated by jason64128 2 years ago 1

Please add a category and popular items for Macintosh games/software. This is a whole separate genre of computer gaming collecting that is not covered on the site. And many of the titles are actually highly sought-after and valuable. For example, search for sold results for Marathon Trilogy or any of the separate Marathon releases for Mac (Marathon 1 (CD and floppy versions; Durandal; and Infinity). Furthermore, often when there is both a Mac and a Windows/DOS PC release for a game, the Mac one will have a wildly different price due to the relative rarity of it. For example, Fallout 1 CIB for Windows recently sold for close to $150, but the Mac version recently sold for $500. If the category were created and if I had contributor status, I would be happy to take the time to add all of the titles I am aware of (and although my account looks pretty new, I have actually used Pricecharting for years and might have otherwise qualified to contribute. But I stopped for a few years at some point and my former account with the same username seems to have disappeared. So I recently had to start over).

Didn't realize that I wasn't logged in, but that is my post.