I think with the rise of thrifters and reselling there is a need to apply your current website model to more collectible and valuable categories. So many items need charts, like Pyrex, blu-rays, toys, etc. You have a great site to build on to.

Christopher Cinelli 2 years ago 0

I think with the rise of thrifters and reselling there is a need to apply your current website model to more collectible and valuable categories. So many items need charts, like Pyrex, blu-rays, toys, etc. You have a great site to build on top of and I think with the ability to always be adding new categories and sub categories (like toys/action figures/transformers/year/etc) you would become an invaluable tool in a multibillion dollar industry of thrifting, reselling, antiquing, and collecting. There isn’t anything out there that covers all types of collectible values. It would be unparalleled. You could also place a trending section on the home page which could list the top ten trending collectible categories or items or even titles of video games. I would love to do it myself but I’m very limited on coding knowledge and my website would be too basic to handle this kind of idea.