
Better data pulls from Ebay and Updated japanese prices

Poke_Rat 2 years ago updated by DGAF88 2 years ago 2

I spend a lot of time on this site pricing Pokémon cards. Price Charting has a real opportunity to be #1 over TCG if they would put a little work in. When I open a card 90% of the sales data is no longer available. I report but nothing changes. I also see a ton of missing sales info from eBay. Japanese card prices are hit and miss and shouldn't be difficult if data is pulled from TCG and eBay. Id even be willing to help remove bad listings and add good ones if needed since I am on the site so much. 


I 2nd this! Great site, but a lot of missing stuff. If you guys are hiring, I'm looking for work!!

My fault this was me ^^^. Didn't realize i wasn't logged in!