
Include preorder bonus catalog

Anonymous 3 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 1

Preorder bonuses are oftentimes included in used game sales to increase the value. Example: Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition with the three character keychains. Some websites such as IGN and Nintendo Everything include pre order bonus guides for yet-to-be released games. Gamepreorders.com seems inconsistent with which games get articles. Perhaps preorder bonuses could be included in the Details section of a game page. Including preorder bonus as a check box for adding games to a collection would be excellent, but I acknowledge a bigger change

Thanks for the suggestion.  Right now we do not keep track of any bonuses that might be included outside the retail packaging.  We consider that memorabilia and not something we track at this time.  If the pack-in was sealed in the package (like a music CD for pre-orders or something similar) then we do track that on the site.

I'm leaving this open to hear other people's input, but that is our policy right now.