
Clearing notes/descritpion of item does not remove note

Anonymous 3 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 3

When clearing notes on an item that has notes entered, the change does not take effect.

Steps to reproduce:

1) for any item, add or edit information and add text into the "description of item" field.

2) Save changes / add item

3) Edit item that has notes/description of item

4) clear the entire field, such that the subtext "optional ..." appears

5) save changes

-> previous text still appears

Sorry for this problem.  If you enter a blank space character instead of leaving it blank does that solve the problem?  This will help me troubleshoot the issue and find a solution.

Sorry for the late reply. a single space is accepted for a description.


Thank you.  Please use that in the future to clear a description or note.  Please don't delete accurate/relevant data.