
Percentage of price increase/decrease over X amount of time.

Will S. 3 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 1

Currently, Pokémon specifically, is seeing a sharp decrease in the value of cards as compared to a year ago. I believe this is due to the hype created by social media influencers (Logan Pau for example) and then the return to normal pricing thereafter. I would be nice if we could see a list of all the Pokémon with a % of price increase/decrease over the last 1m, 6m, 1y, 5y, all time. In addition, if when looking at the individual cards, a % of price increase/decrease. The line graph seems to not be working at the moment as when searching past prices of any Pokémon cards, it will show the past month but the buttons are not working to look any further into the past. Thanks and be safe!



The charts show all the data that we have.  We have about 1 year's worth of pricing for Pokemon cards.  Unfortunately we can't go back any further on those charts.

That will be the best tool to see the price increase or decrease by cards.  

We have a "Hot Cards" section that will show some items that have increased (or decreased) the most in the last 30 days.

Hot Pokemon Cards

If you change the sort order you can see cards that decreased in value too.


The charts show all the data that we have.  We have about 1 year's worth of pricing for Pokemon cards.  Unfortunately we can't go back any further on those charts.

That will be the best tool to see the price increase or decrease by cards.  

We have a "Hot Cards" section that will show some items that have increased (or decreased) the most in the last 30 days.

Hot Pokemon Cards

If you change the sort order you can see cards that decreased in value too.