
Why are the increased/decreased values of games not shown correctly???

Anonymous 3 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 3

For example, Little Samson is showing as "Decreasing" in value when the last purchase price is over $1000 higher than the "Value" of the game??? Even looking at all the most recent prices the game is on average it is around $2700 over the past 2 months.... Having "Average" prices that take place of over 12 months isn't anywhere near accurate to what the current going price is so this site makes 0 logical sense... Its like looking at Bitcoin when it was only valued at 10k and 1yr later it was worth over 60k but only saying its value is 15k......


Thanks for the feedback.  Several of the most recent sales were for the game AND box.  Those inflated the recent sales prices.  Those have been removed now.  The last three sales for the game only have been $2,046, $3,400, and $2,175.  Based on those and all the other sales we calculate the value at $2,322.  

you still didn't answer my question, why did those "higher" prices lower the value of the game before you removed them???

Unfortunately I do not have server log data showing all the calculations that went into that price calculation so I cannot say the exact reason the price declined.  My initial thought is it was based on kicking out outliers, the age of listings, and when we calculated the last price.  We might not have considered all of those recent, incorrect sales in the most recent price calculation depending on when they happened and when we last recalculated the price.