
Add reviews / ratings / stars or whatever to your pricing info!

Jasper Coyote 8 years ago updated by sales 2 years ago 15

It would be great to see an average "review" scores on games on your website, such as Amazon or Metacritic provide. You might be able to screen-scrape review ratings from those sources. I would love to see both pricing info & basic overall review scores! That way, I'd know to keep a 4.5 star game worth $2, but ditch a 1 star game that's worth $100 for some odd reason. I often buy games in bulk, and it's difficult to decide to keep games or sell them. I often don't care much about "collectibility"...I only want good, fun games in my collection. I'll sell the bad ones that are worth money.

Under review

Thank you. I can see the value to this. If other users say they would like a feature like this I can look into it more.


Great! Like I said, it might be easy to add if you can screen scrape from other sites. And again, I'm not asking for in-depth reviews...just a quick "should-I-keep-this-game-or-not" star rating would be great. If I want to read reviews, I know there are other sites out there - just looking for something quick and easy here. Anybody else out there like the idea?


I really dig this idea. Sometimes when I'm out retro hunting I pass on a title I've never seen before because it won't be easy to resell based on its value, but I'm sure I've missed out on playing a really fun game in the past because I didn't have an at-a-glance look at a star rating.


I’m really digging this idea. Users can rate games that are in their collection on a 10 point scale. Those ratings then average out with ratings from fellow pricecharting members.


I would totally love this feature for sure! Maybe a Metacritic Rating and User Rating from accounts on Pricecharting?


I've reached out to Metacritic just now ask about their licensing rules to see if we can integrate their scores in some way.  If we can't license the scores than I'll look into doing our own review scores instead.


I would personally be only interested in other users’ input.

Please add this!


Another great review source was the GameRanking page which was already shut down in 2019. That page had extensive reviews of Pre PS1 games like the Sega Genesis and SNES. GameRanking had originally said that they would give those reviews to Metacritic but so far they haven't. Check: http://web.archive.org/web/20191209021244/https://www.gamerankings.com/news.html

On Reddit they left all the GameRanking reviews from the 1st day to the closing of the page.



Thanks for that link to the discussion and the raw data too.  That might be interesting data to include and "seed" the database with some reviews to start off with if we decided to add this feature in the future.

It would be great to have the Gameranking score on consoles like the SEGA GENESIS and SNES since Metacritic doesn't care and doesn't have any reviews of them.

Another page that compiles aggregate review scores of games from different critics is SegaRetro.org here are the Mega Drive / Genesis games scores: https://segaretro.org/Mega_Drive_game_ratings

All ratings: https://segaretro.org/Category:Game_ratings