add prices for japan imports
Your guide is good but needs improvements . There is no price-charting for japan games , japan consoles , commodore , amiga , trs 80 color computer , There is even more . Why do a job only half way ?

I second this for the Japanese imports. A good chunk of my collection is Imports.

Same here. My collection looks more impressive than it actually is due to it showing prices of the US versions of EarthBound and Persona 2 EP when I actually have the Japanese versions

I agree. I have a feq japanese gameboy games. Please add japanese games!!!!

Yes please do add Japaness games to all systems, the Turbo Graphics section doesn't have a lot of Super CD games and HuCards.

We are gathering price data for Famicom and Super Famicom now. Please take a look at these game lists:
Let me know if there are any mistakes or missing games or other issues. These are not linked from anywhere on the site or included in search results yet. We are waiting for more price data to come in before full launch.

I don't see Sweet Home for the Famicom, that's about the only one I know of since thats the only one I have. I will definitely try to assist with finding any missing games or data though! I also have Biohazard 1 & 2 for the PS1 and though I can probably just use the Resident Evil 1&2 prices to track it, I'd like to see the actual listing for those. Im hoping to collect all of the Biohazard (Resident Evil) games because it's my favorite series.

you have Joe & mac for the famicom but none of its sequels (Tatakae Genshijin 2 and Tatakae Genshijin 3)

Luckily we have all of those mentioned so far:
The Biohazard games will have to wait until we add more Japanese releases for other consoles.

That's fine, oh I have another Idea for a thing. See my copy of Sweet Home is a Reproduction so under the add to collection option, how hard would it to be to add a check box for Reproduction?

"how hard would it to be to add a check box for Reproduction?"
Right now we do not support reproductions in our system. The system we use for tracking collections is the same we use on the marketplace and we do not want reproductions being sold on the marketplace. So the backend required to do that for collections would be quite involved. For now, you should click the 'other' box when listing in a collection and add 'reproduction' to the description. Thanks for that suggestion.

Well,it didn't show up under the T letter in the "alphabetical order menu",so I think some games exist but haven't (yet?)shown up in the menu.

I noticed that some Sega Saturn imports are listed (X-Men vs Street Fighter) but others are not (Marvel vs Street Fighter). I have several Saturn imports in my collection (since most of the good Saturn games are imports). I'd love to have them all listed.

Famicom & Super Famicom games have been added now:
I'm going to close this issue as finished. Please add new requests for specific consoles you'd like to see added so I can prioritize the next Japanese import consoles to add.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Famicom & Super Famicom games have been added now:
I'm going to close this issue as finished. Please add new requests for specific consoles you'd like to see added so I can prioritize the next Japanese import consoles to add.