
Show a running total overall of how much I paid for my collection

Anonymous 4 years ago updated by sales 3 years ago 3

I’m adding in how much I paid for a game (some entries going back 30+years ago when I originally purchased them). I see the ‘how much I paid’ column and how much the game is worth now so I can compare that single item.

I’d also like to see the ‘How much I paid’ column automatically be added up to give a total overall of how much I paid, so I can see and compare that with how much my collection is worth now.

Well, I am a registered user! Can’t seem to log in to the forum though from my phone. 


The request features forum is totally different from the website.  We don't really use the log in features on the request tool


Great suggestion.  I can definitely see the value in having that calculate and shown as a running total.