
Track prices for individual steelbook

kvgauthier 4 years ago updated by Caleb Addair 4 years ago 5

Hello, I have a rather large number of steelbooks for games that were given away as bonus items for preordering and such. These steelbook don't come as part of a special edition and therefore it would be nice to be able to have them tracked alongside the rest of my collection as they are generally quite valuable (usually hovering around 40$). 

Here are some examples:

- New Super Mario Bros 2

- Ni No Kuni

- Arkham Asylum

- Skyward Sword

These steelbooks aren't specific to a given platform, so I would see them tracked using console = steelbook, like Amiiibo and Skylanders.

Given that I have dozens of those, I'd be happy to help build the database if this gets added.

Thanks for this suggestion.  We consider these "game memorabilia" if they didn't come with a game.  I'll wait and see how popular this idea is before considering it, but that is the reason we don't have those on the site at this point.  We don't track gaming memorabilia.


Thanks for the response. Would you consider tracking gaming memorabilia that came as preorder bonuses in the future? (versus general memorabilia)

Yeah, I will consider that vs all gaming memorabilia.  I'll keep an eye on how popular this request is to decide how to prioritize. 


I've made a suggestion for steelbooks before so I definitely would love to see this feature added so I can properly catalogue my collection as well

I would say steelbooks are a pretty widespread and highly desirable piece of memorabilia in most cases for collectors so I back this as well