
Fix the search, only showing exact results has made the site much less functional.

Anonymous 9 years ago updated by sales 8 years ago 3

The new search, requiring exact matches is trash.

Go back to the old search style before its too late.



This has been fixed.

* Punctuation is ignored. example: "Final Fantasy Collectors Edition" shows correct results

* Conjuctions and prepositions ("the", "and", "but", "for".....) are ignored. example: "The Legend of Zelda" shows correct result

* Spacing on many popular searches is fixed. example: "Mega man" and "Megaman"

* Searching by nicknames works on common nicknames. example: "GTA", "MGS", "CoD", "DDR"

We will be monitoring search results more closely and improving it on a weekly basis.

We also added the capability to store multiple UPC's for a game to reduce the number of barcode scanning errors that bring up no results. We will continually add new UPC's as we find them.

I agree. It's way to sensitive. If you don't type it exactly right you get no results. It forces you to use apostrophes and hyphens, etc. So much as leave a s off the end of a search and get 0 results found. There needs to be a better system in play all around. Sometimes I search for a game and don't know the exact name. It could at least try to help instead of giving nothing.


Thanks for this feedback. I'll add this to the near term goals for one of our developers to look into and see what improvements we can make to make search a bit more forgiving and avoid cases where punctuation is required.


This has been fixed.

* Punctuation is ignored. example: "Final Fantasy Collectors Edition" shows correct results

* Conjuctions and prepositions ("the", "and", "but", "for".....) are ignored. example: "The Legend of Zelda" shows correct result

* Spacing on many popular searches is fixed. example: "Mega man" and "Megaman"

* Searching by nicknames works on common nicknames. example: "GTA", "MGS", "CoD", "DDR"

We will be monitoring search results more closely and improving it on a weekly basis.

We also added the capability to store multiple UPC's for a game to reduce the number of barcode scanning errors that bring up no results. We will continually add new UPC's as we find them.